Wednesday, May 21, 2008

strange session.

Total was a strange one. I booked a pretty big win at 2-4 no limit + pot limit and 1-2 no limit. I played horrible however and eventually just shut the session down. It's a funny game in that you can play perfect and lose, and then there are days like today when you play horribly and still scoop 'em all. Anyways, I've got a couple of hands that illustrate the session perfectly.

I tried this play, I don't know where this angle shoot came from, I think a discussion with a friend of mine, but in full ring 1-2 NLHE, i usually open for 3.5x the BB, so $7.... I pick up AA and make it $77 to go, trying to make it look like a mis-click and hopefully someone paying attention picks up a hand just strong enough to realize the accident and jam, and i get the 4.5-1 situation. Welcome to the result of my 'ingenuity'. What does it matter if I get it in as a 92% favourite right?

I can't find the hand but I jammed QQ from the big blind vs. a button opener. Of course this donkey was up against AA, sucked out, scooped a big stack. I really think QQ is a fold to 80% of players in NLHE least on this site. Problem was this guys is one of the 20% who is extremely aggressive and could have just as easily shown me AQ, which incidently, was another stack off I had (my AK vs. AQ) tonight, which thankfully, held up.

As far as the PLO session went, I was card dead and stuck in bad spots, couldn't continue with a bunch of hands cause of the betting situation and me being out of position on subsequent streets, anyways, I scooped this sizeable pot and left the PLO gambling for another day.

As full of it as it sounds, I don't know whether or not I hate losing money more than I hate playing bad.

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