Wednesday, June 18, 2008

$1500 Seven Card Stud

Another day, another quick exit. This tournament started with 3000 in chips and a 10 ante, playing 50-100 levels. I was eliminated in just the third level (playing 25 ante and 100-200 levels). I entered today playing on picking on the antes whenever I had the high card bring in and firing until 5th street unless I haven't improved and they start firing back. My strategy worked very poorly as at least 3 times the low card bring in defended and started firing back. I held no pair until the third level, which sounds like a line but really and truly, a bunch of A highs and K high boards that no one would relent to. I ended up losing half my stack by the 20 minute break after level two and then my all in hand came against a women's bracelet winner. I held my first pair. Split 9's (939) vs. her T89. Hands run a little closer together in Stud than they do in hold'em (I started as a 60% favourite). On fifth street she raised my bet of 200 to put me all in. My board was 9JA (93down) and hers read TQ4(98 down). She pulled a 4 on 6th street and an 8 on 7th to make two pair, I ran un-improved (2Q) and was eliminated. When the money went in on 5th she was a 70-30 dog but you need chips early in these to play 'normal stud' so her play, though full of gamble, was I guess strategically break even. If I did hold an overpair to her Q, say buried kings or aces up, she has only 20% or (if aces up), she's nearly dead with only 13%. Anyways, it continues to be a tough go of it as far as tournaments go. I'm not sure what, if any tournaments, are left on my list. I may cut it all short and take the small loss instead of risking more in entries when having poor results and being frustrated.

On the cash game sides, I popped my cherry here and had my first bad loss of the trip playing $40-80 mixed, $40-80 stud and $20-40 stud yesterday at the Bellagio. The games were good but I couldn't do much about it. Most of the loss came in being outdrawn in 2-7 triple draw and card dead in the straight 7stud game. I'm optimistic in the positivity of my expectation in that game but I also know not to push the issue when things aren't breaking right.

I'm going to stay home and play online for a few days, grind a few thousand hands. Hopefully things will turn around. I'm starting to become very envious of David Singer. FYI, you want to see the combination of playing good/running good, please look at what he's done this year. Simply amazing. Hope everyone's well.

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