Wednesday, June 4, 2008

no day 2 for this guy.

Well I did what i could. I lasted until 15 minutes to go in the final level (level 8: 500-1000) of day 1. 830 people started and I went out somewhere in the neighborhood of 205 (80 paid). I have no really bad hands to post, nor good ones, it came down to being really card dead for the final 3 levels as I went into dinner with an above average stack of 5200. I couldn't have asked for a better table draw as 7/9 were spewing chips all over the place, just few landed in my stack. Omaha8/better isn't really a game where you can snow through a lot of hands, especially not vs. the type of players I had the good fortune of playing with today.
I ended up chopping a hand with the nut low and 20 outs for the high as well vs. dry aces but missed in level 5, that may have been the beginning of the end for me. The final all-in came with 900 chips mid-table with Ad3s4s9h ( I didn't even have enough to raise the full amount!) and ended up getting scooped by two others. I figure I had about 20% equity vs. both their hands combined but it really did look like AA23 after what I suffered through in levels 5,6+7.
No complaints mind you, this is limit tournament poker. I thought I played as well as I could I just came up short when the limits rose. Such a juicy table draw though, I'm still wishing they locked the doors and made it a limit cash game instead.

I'm not sure what's next on the list, I move out of the hotel and into the house with everyone tomorrow at some time. Looking forward to seeing Andrew and Derek. Anyways...I'm going to get some sleep. Strike 1

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