Sunday, June 14, 2009

hmmm, maybe i spoke too soon

Well, start the day at average chips and 57 out from money and I miss the cash :)
Great table as always in this event, steal two rounds of blinds early, flat an utg+2 open with KQss, Kh7c2c flop, he bets ultra fast for full pot, I call the 5k, turn Js he instantly fires 20k into 15k. I think for like maybe 1.5 minutes and then he calls a clock. 1. clocks in 2min+, here, slightly uncalled for, especially given the pending bubble, 2. two insta bets, the second being way over pot, 3. the way he acted, hard to describe but it just cried weakness. Anyways, the floor is counting down, 3-2-1, I called all in, he shows AK.
Blah blah, nice hand, come on 3 outter, miss.
Sort of a cooler, can argue to fold preflop in these conditions, I think it's too tight though. The post-flop action makes this hand somewhat of a cooler I think. You don't have to play this flop, and I was prepared to fold to a second barrel but the action just swung me to showdown. Being over 300 from any serious money means I guess I shouldn't worry too much, just sucks to bubble in a spot where I didn't have to.
Horse $1500 starts in two hours. Can't bust in one hand, guess that's a positive!

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